
基于作者引用与合作关系的学术影响力测度研究进展 被引量:32

Literature Review of Academic Impact Measurement for Authors Based on Both Co-authorship and Citation Relationship
摘要 在科研合作日益显著的趋势下,基于作者合作的学术影响力测度研究明显分为两方面:一是用合作这一因素对传统的引用影响力指标进行调整;二是直接测度作者在合作网络中的影响力,并探索与引用影响力指标的相关性。结果表明,作者在合作网络中的中心度指标与其被引次数、h指数、g指数均呈正相关。在科研合作的背景下,要综合评价作者的学术影响力,应将两者结合起来。最后从科学交流模式和作者学术关系的视角,讨论双重测度作者学术影响力的理论依据。 The trend of scientific research cooperation has become increasingly significant, whieh leads to the discussions about the academic impact measurement based on co-authorship. These studies include two main aspects, one is to adjust traditional citation impact indexes to co-authorship; the other is to measure authors impact in co-authorship network, and explore the correlation with citation impact indexes. The results show that there is the positive correlation between the network centrality index of authors and its cited index, and h index, and g index. It is necessary to combine them to comprehensively assess the academic impact of authors in the environment of scientific research cooperation. Finally, this paper investigates the theoretical basis for a double measurement of academic impact from the perspectives of scientific communication and academic relationship between authors.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期135-140,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项课题"基于作者合作与引用关系的学术影响力研究"(课题编号:12R0123)研究成果之一
关键词 作者合作关系 作者引用关系 合作影响力 引用影响力 科学交流 co-authorship citation collaboration impact citation impact scientific communication
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