为解决环境因素对卫星通信链路的影响,需要提升系统的功率备余。考虑到半导体功率器件有限的输出能力,需要采用功率合成的方式获取所需的功率容量。根据设计目标,基于3 dB波导分支耦合器的工作原理,采用三维电磁仿真软件建模和仿真,设计并制作了一种工作于29~32 GHz频率的4路功率合成器。对测试指标和仿真曲线进行了对比分析,实测表明该合成器具有低插入损耗和良好的端口匹配效果,具有良好的工作性能和工程实用价值。
In order to solve harmful environment effects on millimeter-wave VSAT system,people need to enhance power,thus power combiners are needed and multi-way power combing structures with low insertion loss come to be the key figure. In this paper, a novel power combiner based on branch-line coupling theory is designed. Test results show that over the bandwidth of 29 - 32 GHz,per- formances including low insertion loss and good ports matching are achieved,which shows a promising application for millimeter-wave VSAT applications.
Radio Engineering