TPR, XRD, XPS, ESR and H2-O2 pulse injection were used to study the reaction between H2 and oxygen in Cu-Mn-O(I) and Cu-Mn-Ce-O(II) supported on alumina, and their oxygen storage capacity and solid structure were also studied. The results show that the TPR traces of (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ) are similar to that of Cu-O/y-Al2O3 and the TPR feature peaks of Mn-O, Ce-O are not seen; as CeO2 loading increases to more than 10%, the peak temperature of (Ⅱ) is lower than that of (Ⅰ); the reoxidizing(Ⅱ) prereduced is easier than(Ⅰ) prereduced. The presence of Ce inhibits the growth of the spinel phases (CuMn2O4) and makes Cu, Mn of high valence state more stable. There is Cu0 in(Ⅱ) prereduced but it disappears after reoxidation. H2-O2 titration indicates that the addition of CeO2 into(Ⅰ) enhances its oxygen storage capacity and the reaction between H2 and oxygen of the catalysts.