
马克思主义大众化与群众路线的当代阐释 被引量:14

Contemporary Interpretation of Popularization of Marxism and Mass Line
摘要 党的十八大重提群众路线,是马克思主义中国化、大众化的时代表达和必然旨归。大众化不是依靠理论专家用通俗话语"化大众",而是将实践和理论的创造主体归还大众,一切为了群众、相信群众、依靠群众,与人民群众同甘苦、共命运。但由于每个时代人民的含义与群众的状况不同,根本利益指向不同,基本愿望和特殊期盼不同,因此,群众路线所面临的主题内涵、功能任务、实现路径和主要形态都需要与时俱进。从革命党向执政党、从封闭向开放、从计划走向市场、从同质性走向差异性,党面临的实践语境发生了重大改变,能否根据世情、国情、党情、民情新情况、新特点和新要求与时俱进地创造群众路线的新方法、新形态,发挥新的历史功能,是对党执政能力的最大考验。我们既不能因为语境改变而根本否定群众路线,脱离群众并最终被历史抛弃,更不能照抄照搬革命年代群众路线的旧形式、旧路径和旧方法,把群众路线变成愈演愈烈的群众运动,甚至重蹈"文革"覆辙,最终葬送伟大复兴的民族事业。 The 18th National Congress of the CPC reiterated mass line as the contemporary expression and necessary destination of Marxism in the process of sinicization and popularization. Popularization is not the "discussion of the people" by theoretical experts with popular discourse, but the act of returning the creative subject of practice and theory to the peo- ple following the principles of doing everything for the people, trusting the people, relying on the people, and sharing joy and hardships with the people for a common destiny. However, due to the different connotations of people and different con- dition of the mass line with different orientations of fundamental interests as well as different basic aspirations and special expectations, the thematic content, functional tasks, realization paths, and major forms of mass line require progress with the times. The shifts from a revolutionary party to a ruling party, from isolation to openness, from planned economy to mar- ket economy, from homogeneity to heterogeneity, the Party's practical context is witnessing major changes. Whether the Party can create new methods and new forms of the mass line based on the new conditions, features and requirements of in- ternational, national, Party, and public situation, whether the Party can exert new historical functions, form the toughest test for the Party's governance capability. We can neither negate the mass line due to the changed context and alienate from the masses to be eventually abandoned by history, nor can we copy from the revolutionary era the old forms, old paths, and old methods of mass line, turning the mass line into escalating mass movement, even repeating the mistakes of the "Cultur- al Revolution", and consequently putting an end to the great cause of national rejuvenation.
作者 任平
机构地区 徐州师范大学
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期5-12,共8页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
关键词 大众化 群众路线 当代阐释 popularization mass line contemporary interpretation
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  • 1马克思恩格斯选集:第1卷[M].北京:人民出版社.2012:402-403. 被引量:190
  • 2毛泽东选集第4卷[M].北京:人民出版社.1991. 被引量:1003
  • 3马克思恩格斯选集:第4卷[M].北京:人民出版社.2012. 被引量:61












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