研究用于0.14 THz折叠波导行波管的盒形窗结构,采用三维模拟软件HFSS进行计算与优化,设计出基于蓝宝石窗片的盒型窗结构。分析了结构参数对盒形窗电压驻波比的影响,主要结构参数在±0.01 mm范围变化时,盒形窗电压驻波比仍然低于1.2,保证零件加工的可行性。装配完成盒形窗测试结构,冷测结果显示,在0.135 THz^0.145 THz范围内衰减系数为0.7 dB左右,满足整管要求。
This paper mainly discusses the pill-box window with sapphire piece for 0.14 THz folded waveguide traveling wave tubes. The dimension of the window is computed and optimized by HFSS. The VSWR is below 1.2 when the main structure parameters range at ±0.01 ram. Cold-test result shows the attenuation of the window test structure is about 0.7 dB during 0.135 THz-0.145 THz, which meets the practical requirements in 0.14 THz folded waveguide traveling wave tubes.
Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology