为了明确云南紫胶虫Kerria yunnanensis和粗纹举腹蚁Crematogaster macaoensis之间的相互作用关系,于2009年4月至2010年10月,在云南省墨江县雅邑乡紫胶种植园,结合野外调查和室内试验对比研究了粗纹举腹蚁取食人工食物、云南紫胶虫排泄的蜜露和无食物的3种处理下粗纹举腹蚁个体体重和存活率的变化,以及在粗纹举腹蚁垄断蜜露、自然条件下和无蚂蚁照顾的3种处理下云南紫胶虫个体怀卵量、虫体大小、死亡率和生活史周期的变化。结果显示:云南紫胶虫排泄的蜜露是一种高质量的食物资源,能够稳定增加粗纹举腹蚁工蚁的体重百分比[人工食物(44.55%)>蜜露(25.81%)>无食物(-4.13%)](F(2,54)=18.81;P<0.01),并提高其存活率[人工食物(85.78%)>蜜露(82.48%)>无食物(78.74%)](F(2,55)=7.31;P<0.01)。粗纹举腹蚁取食蜜露的同时,有利于增加单位面积上云南紫胶虫的雌虫数量[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(80.81%)>自然状态(75.55%)>无蚂蚁照顾(75.33%)](F(2,143)=54.08;P<0.01),提高云南紫胶虫的个体怀卵量[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(401.85粒)>自然状态(395.73粒)>无蚂蚁照顾(353.34粒)](F(2,144)=4.82;P<0.01),降低云南紫胶虫的死亡率[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(89.42%)<自然状态(89.78%)<无蚂蚁照顾(90.82%)](F(2,146)=3.45;P<0.05);云南紫胶虫虫体有变小的趋势[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(12.92mm2)<自然状态(13.04mm2)<无蚂蚁照顾(14.90mm2)](F(2,147)=10.88;P<0.01),生活史周期变长[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(203.96d)>无蚂蚁照顾(202.85d)>自然状态(200.00d)](F(2,71)=19.77;P<0.01),提示粗纹举腹蚁取食蜜露增加了云南紫胶虫的代谢压力。结果说明,以蜜露为纽带的粗纹举腹蚁和云南紫胶虫之间的相互作用关系是兼性互利的。
In order to reveal the interactions between lac insect Kerria yunnanensis and ant Crematogaster macaoensis, changes in individual body mass and survival of C. macaoensis in three treatments of feeding artificial diet, honeydew excreted by K. yunnanensis and no food (CK), and changes in the brood amount per female, body size, mortality and the duration of life cycle of K. yunnanensis in three treatments of C. macaoensis monopolizing honeydew, ants visiting freely and no ant visiting were tested in a lac plantation in Yayi, Mojiang, Yunnan, southwestern China, from April 2009 to October 2010. The results showed that the honeydew excreted by K. yunnanensis is a kind of high quality food resource like artificial diet, which could increase the body mass of C. macaoensis workers steadily [ the highest percentage of body mass gain was found in C. macaoensis fed by artificial diet (44.55%) , followed by C. macaoensis fed by honeydew (25. 81% ), and then in C. macaoensis with no food supply ( - 4.13 % ) ( F(2, 54) = 18.81 ; P 〈 0.01 ) ] , and improved the survival of workers [ the highest survival rate was found in C. macaoensis fed by artificial diet ( 85.78% ) , followed by C. macaoensis fed by honeydew (82.48%), and then in C. macaoensis with no food supply (78.74%) (F(z" 55~ =7.31 ; P 〈 0.01) ] . C. macaoens/s monopolization of honeydew significantly increased the number of K. yunnanens/s females [the highest was under the condition of monopolization of honeydew (80.81%), followed byants visiting freely (82.48%), and then no ant visiting (75.33%) ( F(2' 143) = 54.08 ; P 〈 0.01 ) ], and the brood amount per female [ the highest (401.85) was under the condition of monopolization of honeydew (401.85), followed by ants visiting freely (395.73), and then no ant visiting (353.34) (F(2' t~ =4.82; P 〈0.01 )], while reduced the mortality of K. yunnanensis population [the highest mortality (90. 82%) was under the condition of n
Acta Entomologica Sinica
Crematogaster macaoensis
Kerria yunnanensis
food resources