指出随着电力电缆在35 kV及以下系统中应用愈来愈多,因电缆头或电缆损坏而中断供电的次数相应增加。以近年来电缆、电缆头现场典型故障为例,从设计、选型、施工、验收、运行等环节进行分析,并提出保证电缆制造质量、合理设计以及加强施工验收、运行管理,防止外力破坏等防范措施。
This article points out that with the increasing application of the power cable in no-higher-than 35 kV systems, the times of supply interruption resulted from the damage of the cable joint or the cable rise. Using the examples of the typical faults of the field cables and cable joints in recent years, this article analyzes the steps of its design, type selection, construction, acceptance and operation, and proposes measures to guarantee its manufacture quality and reasonable design, strengthen construction acceptance and operation management, and prevent damage from external forces.
Shanxi Electric Power