Objective: To compare the effect of different dehydrating methods on the contents of four active constituents in flower buds of Lonicera macranthoides. Methods : Dehydrating methods of sun drying, oven drying, steamingsun drying and steaming-oven drying were chosed to deal with flower buds of Lonicera macranthoides. According to Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the contents of chlorogenic acid and ga- luteolin in dried samples were determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) -UV, and the contents of macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B were determined by HPLC - Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD). Results : Using the steaming - oven drying method, the contents of chlorogenie acid, total saponins and galuteolin from dried flower buds reached 3. 705% , 11. 834% and 0. 103% , respectively, which were higher than the prescribed contents of corresponding index in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Conclusion: Different dehydrating methods had great influence on the contents of active constituents in flower buds of Lonicera macranthoides. The steaming - oven drying method performed optimally.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources