冠状动脉内支架(stent)植入是冠心病介入治疗的常用技术 ,约占所有经皮冠状动脉球囊成形术(PTCA)的60 %~90 %。目前 ,国际上共有300多种支架的专利设计 ,介入心脏病领域内的医师在支架应用方面的经验也大不相同。这为我们提出了如下思考 :为成功地施行介入手术是否有必要充分理解所有的支架设计 ,以及我们是否可借鉴于有经验的术者的个人经验 ,选用少数几种支架设计作为常规手术用品。我们相信后一种情况是可行的。本文旨在为广大心脏病介入工作者提供一些对目前最为常用支架特性的共识 ,并试图对众多支架设计进行分类和描述 ,概述各类支架的优、缺点。希望此文有助于启迪新型支架的设计 。
With more then 300 patented stent designs available in the world, interventional cardiologists have had a very different range of experiences from their colleagues in this filed. With so many more stents availble, it raises an important issue; is a thorough knowledge of all available stents requaired to perform good interventional procedures, or, can we banifit from the experience of skilled colleagues, to select a few stents that can serve as our “workhores”? We believe it is the latter. This article is to offer the interventional cardiologists insights into the current experience with some most commonly used stents, and attempts to provide useful guidelines outlining the specific designs, indications and use of these stents. This article has been written to provide a conceptual framework for classifying, stents designs, recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and for applying a particular design and stent to a specific coronary condition and lesion.
China Medical Device Information
Intracoronary artery stent
Coronary heart disease