研究结果表明 ,陕西烟田烟草蚜传病毒病的初侵染源主要来自当地的冬油菜田 ,冬油菜带毒量占总越冬毒量的 87.3 6%。烟草蚜传病毒病的主要类群有烟草黄瓜花叶病毒 ( CMV)、烟草蚀纹病毒 ( TEV)、马铃薯 Y病毒 ( PVY)。迁入陕西烟草的有翅桃蚜和棉蚜为 CMV、TEV、PVY三者的共同介体 ,萝卜蚜是 CMV及PVY的介体。迁入烟田的有翅蚜有 2个迁飞高峰 ,呈双峰曲线 ,第 1高峰期出现在 5月中旬至 5月底 6月初 ,此次迁飞高峰期的有翅桃蚜量与大田发病率呈显著正相关 ;第 2高峰期在 6月上旬末至 6月中旬 ,此次迁飞的有翅蚜量与田间发病率关系不大。大田烟草蚜传病毒病发生有一个急剧上升期 ,大约在有翅蚜迁入烟田第1高峰期后 1 0 d左右 ,以后发病率平缓上升。以陕西长武 1 984~ 1 998年的烟草病情资料、相关资料及当地气象资料 ,建立了烟草蚜传病毒病病情指数预测预报模型 ,回归测验结果表明历史符合率达 96.0
The winter rape was the most important primary inoculum source of tobacco virus spread by aphids in Shaanxi and the virus amount in winter rape amounted to 87.36% of total virus getting over the winter.The main species of tobacco virus spread by aphids in Shaanxi included cucumber mosaic virus (CMV),tobacco etch virus (TEV) and potato Y virus (PVY); Hyzus persicae (Sluzer) and Aphis gossypii Glover were the joint vector of CMV,TEV and PVY; Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) was the vector of CMV and PVY.There were two aphids migration peak to tobacco field,and the occurrence degree of virus was highly correlated with aphid amount in its first migration but had nothing to do with the second migration. After the rapid growth of the virus disease caused by the first aphid migration in tobacco fields,its growth was slow and maintained a certain level for a period time.A forecasting model of index of virus disease was established from 15 years′ date from county Changwu;the realized percent with history date was 96.05% by this forecasting model.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
陕西省烟草专卖局攻关项目! ( 95 KN-3 )
Tobacco virus disease spread by aphids
Occuring and developing regularity
Forecasting model