Objective To observe the clinical manifestations, therapeutic efficacy and results of bacterial culture of seven patients of scleral buckle (SB) infection after scleral bulking surgery. Methods Seven patients (seven eyes) underwent SB removal for SB infections were enrolled in this study. The patients included four males (four eyes) and three females (three eyes). The patients aged from 12 to 69 years, with a mean age of 42.7 years. There were four right eyes and three left eyes. The duration (interval between primary surgery and SB removal) ranged from two weeks to ten years, with a mean of 47.5 months. Six patients were concurrent with systemic disease. All the patients were examined for visual acuity, slit lamp microscope and indirect ophthalmoscope examination. Some patients also received external eye examination and fundus photography. Whether SB exposure or not and the clinical manifestations were observed. SB removal was performed in all the patients and the SB were sent to the laboratory for bacterial culture. The follow-up time ranged from two weeks to eight months, with a mean of 3.2 months. Whether infections recurrence and retinal detachment or not were observed. Results SB exposure was in three eyes. Obvious ocular pain and swelling, conjunctival hyperemia and visible yellow-white discharge in the conjunctival sac were presented in two eyes; irritation and discharge were in one eye. No SB exposure was in four eyes. Ocular pain and swelling, conjunctival hyperemia and visible yellow-white discharge in the conjunctival sac were presented in two eyes. Repeated subconjunctival hemorrhage and diplopia were presented in one eye. Visual acuity decline, conjunctival sac discharge and total retinal detachment were in one eye. All patients had no intraocular inflammation. The infection was controlled after SB removal and the retina was attached during the follow-up. The bacterial culture were all positive, which included Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylcoccus epidermidis and Erysipelothrix rh
Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
Scleral bulking surgery
Prostheses and implants/adverse effects
Eye infections,bacterial