
卷式膜分离技术的应用研究进展 被引量:2

Application Progress of Spiral Wound Membrane Separation Technology
摘要 综述了卷式膜分离技术的研究方法、应用领域,介绍了近年来工业上较为成功的应用案例。目前,卷式膜分离技术主要采用实验方法、模拟方法以及实验与模拟相结合的方法进行研究,广泛应用于污水处理领域、海水淡化领域、食品加工领域、生物医药领域以及石油化工领域等。工业上已有许多采用卷式膜分离技术的的工程获得成功,并取得了显著的经济效益。 The research method, application fields and cases of successful applications in industry of spiral wound membrane separation technology is reviewed. Recently, spiral wound membrane separation technology is studied by experimental methods, simulation methods, and the both, and it is widely used in the fields of wastewater treatment, desalination, food processing bio - medicine and petrochemistry. There are many successful cases using spiral wound membrane separation technology in industry, and they all achieve significanteconomic benefits.
出处 《山东化工》 CAS 2013年第3期40-42,共3页 Shandong Chemical Industry
关键词 卷式膜 研究方法 应用领域 工业案例 spiral wound membrane research method applied field industry cases
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