Luo Ergang's TAIPINGTIANGUO SHIGANG, as his first monograph, was published at the beginning of 1937. This book won much praise from his friends in the Historiography Society and the media. Many scholars believed that this book demonstrated Luo deviating from the new academic method of textual criticism, and parting company with his teacher Hu Shi henceforth. In fact, Luo realized the mistake of this book and returned to the old research way of textual criticism after Hu's harsh criticism and getting frustrated from his work experience in the Institute of Social Sciences of the Academia Sinica. The historical circle studying the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom at that time was still in the stage of making textual criticism of new history materials and rebuilding specific historical facts, and denied writing the general history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is well-timed. So the historical circle paid less attention to the book and also disagreed with Luo's textual research method which emphasized forgery detection. However Luo had insisted his textual research method and worked hard for more than 60 years. Finally he became the leader in the field of Taiping History study, by applying Hu's method to studying Chinese modern history. In this paper the author hopes to get rid of the limit of hindsight and tries to experience the truth and variety at the beginning of the study of modern Chinese history.
Journal of Historiography
Luo Ergang Hu Shi TAIPINGTIANGUO SHIGANG the Historiography Societyforgery detection