目的探讨肝脏原发性血管肉瘤的CT表现。方法对经病理证实的3例肝脏原发性血管肉瘤的CT表现及病理进行回顾性分析,并结合文献复习。结果 3例均为男性,平均年龄45岁。2例表现为巨块型,并周缘见子灶,1例表现为弥漫多结节型,平扫均表现为类圆形或不规则低密度区,边界欠清晰。动态增强均呈持续强化,2例动脉期病灶内呈不均匀轻度强化,门静脉期强化更明显,延迟期病灶持续强化,相对肝实质分别呈略高或略低密度灶,1例动脉期病灶,呈不均匀明显强化,门静脉期及延迟期呈渐进性强化,相对肝实质三期均呈高密度灶;且强化方式均表现为病灶边缘及中间同时结节状、小斑片状或条索状强化,并向中心充填。肝内外胆管均未见扩张,门静脉充盈良好。结论肝原发性血管肉瘤的CT表现有一定的特征性,结合临床及实验室检查鉴别肝癌、海绵状血管瘤等其他肝脏肿瘤时,应考虑血管肉瘤的可能性,最终确诊依赖于病理。
Objective To determine the CT features of primary hepatic angiosarcoma. Methods CT of three patients (3 men, mean age: 45 years ) with histologically confirmed primary hepatic angiosarcomas was reviewed. Results CT showed large liver masses with surrounding small satellite nodules in 2 patients and muhiple small nodules throughout the liver in 1 patient. The tumors in 2 patients were heterogeneously hypodense with ill-defined boundary, mild heterogeneous contrast enhancement in the arterial phase, irregular patchy enhancement in the portal venous phase and delayed fill-in. In the third patient, the tumor enhanced heterogeneously in the arterial phase with gradual fill-in during the portal venous and delayed phases. There was no bile duct dilatation or portal vein thrombosis in any of the patients. Conclusions Primary hepatic angiosarcoma has CT features that can differentiate it from cavernous hemangioma and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology