利用数控系统的误差补偿技术可以在成本投入不大的情况下提高机床的加工精度。西门子Sinumerik 840D数控系统提供了多种误差补偿功能,用来弥补因机床的机械部件制造、装配工艺和环境变化等因素引起的误差。通过说明多种误差产生的原因,阐述Sinumerik 840D数控系统中反向间隙、螺距误差和垂度误差的补偿原理和补偿方法,这对推广误差补偿技术、进一步提高机床的加工精度有一定的借鉴作用。
Using error compensation technology of CNC system can improve the machining accuracy of the machine tool without investing more cost. Siemens Sinumerik 840D CNC system provides several kinds of error cornpensation technologies, so as to compensate for the error of mechanical components, assembly process and environment change, etc. This paper states the reason why these errors are produced, and expounds the compensation theories and methods of backlash, screw pitch and sag in Sinmnerik 840D CNC system. This paper is reference for extending error corrffemation technologies and improving the machining accuracy of the maclhiae tools.
Journal of Changzhou College of Information Technology