目的 探讨牙髓毛细淋巴管在炎症状态下的超微结构改变与功能变化之间的关系。方法 对正常和急性牙髓炎毛细淋巴管内皮细胞壁进行透射电镜观察。结果 正常牙髓毛细淋巴管内皮细胞之间的连接方式复杂 ,可见端 端、重叠、插入及更复杂的连接方式 ,未见开放连接 ;内皮细胞胞质富含囊泡。急性炎症牙髓毛细淋巴管扩张明显 ,内皮细胞之间的连接方式为简单的端 端和重叠连接并出现大量的开放连接 ,内皮细胞胞质中的囊泡几乎消失。结论 在急性炎症状态下 ,毛细淋巴管的管径大小、内皮细胞间的连接方式及囊泡数量发生了明显改变 。
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible ultrastructural modifications of the lymphatic capillaries in the acute inflamed dental pulps.Methods The ultrastructural features of the lymphatic vessels endothelial wall in the human normal and acute inflamed dental pulps were investigated by TEM using conventional methods.Results The lymphatic capillaries in normal dental pulp were characterized by a thin wall with an irregular profile. The endothelial cells were joined one another by specialized junctional complexes, such as end to end contacts, overlapping and more complex interdigitation. Opening junctions were never present in these vessels. The cytoplasm of the endothelial cells was rich in micropinocytotic vesicles. In the acute inflamed pulpal tissue, the lymphatic vessels were dilated and the intercellular adjoining structure were less intricate, end to end contacts and overlaping were most frequent ones. Opening junctions were frequently detectable. In particular, the micropinocytotic vesicles were almost absent. Conclusions In the acute inflamed pulpal tissue, the modification occurs in the diameter of lymphatic capillaries, intercellualar adjoining structures and the amounts of micropinocytotic vesicles, so we thought that a network of lymphatic vessels drained the dental pulp.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology