目的:了解南京地区妇女宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)感染及亚型分布情况。方法:用核酸分子芯片快速杂交法对7 531名妇女进行宫颈脱落细胞HPV DNA基因分型检测,并对HPV感染率、亚型分布进行统计分析。结果:南京地区妇女宫颈部位HPV感染率为33.0%(年龄标准化率为37.3%);在2 485例HPV感染者中,≤24岁年龄组妇女感染率最高,为43.3%,各年龄组间HPV感染率有显著性差异;≤24岁年龄组妇女多重亚型感染率最高,为40.0%,各年龄组间的多重亚型感染率有显著性差异;在所检测出来的21种亚型中,HPV16、58、52是最常见的高危亚型,感染率分别为8.6%、7.6%、5.2%。结论:南京地区≤24岁妇女宫颈部位HPV感染率较高,应作为宫颈疾病预防的重点人群。HPV16、HPV58、HPV52是该地区妇女宫颈部位最常见的感染亚型。
Objective:To analyze the prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among women in Nanjing, China. Methods:Fast nucleic acid hybridization chip was performed to detect cervical HPV DNA and genotype of 7 531 women and the prevalence and genotype distribution were analyzed. Results:The overall prevalence of cervical HPV infection was 33.0% among women in Nanjing (age-standardized prevalence was 37.3% ). Among 2 485 HPV-positive women,the overall prevalence of HPV infection was highest in the group aged ≤24 years(43.3% )and there was significant difference between the prevalence of different age-stratified group;the overall prevalence of multiple genotypes HPV infection was highest in the group aged ≤ 24 years(40.0%)and there was significant difference between the prevalence of different age-stratified group;among the detected 21 HPV genotypes, the most common high-risk HPV genotypes were HPV 16 (8.6%), HPV58 (7.6%), HPV52 (5.2%). Conclusion:The prevalence of cervical human papillomavirus among women aged ≤24 years in Nanjing was relatively high,cervical disease prevention program should give priority to this population;HPV 16,HPV 58 and HPV 52 were the most prevalent cervical HPV genotypes among women in Nanjing.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)