
二氧化碳排放量化方法探讨 被引量:9

A Study on Methods for Quantifying CO_2 Emission
摘要 目前,通用的量化二氧化碳排放方法是IPCC排放因子法,但IPCC的排放因子是否适用于我国的排放源有待商榷。利用现场监测的烟道内的温度、压力、二氧化碳浓度、一氧化碳浓度、烟气流速、水蒸气体积百分比等参数,采用质量比法、时间比法、负荷法以及IPCC排放因子法等多种方法,对某企业不同时间段内的二氧化碳排放情况进行量化。结果表明,如果国内企业采用国际通用的量化二氧化碳排放方法,则得到的二氧化碳排放量偏大。为了能更准确地获得燃烧排放源的二氧化碳排放情况,需要采用现场监测的方法。质量比法与IPCC排放因子法的量化结果,其准确性严重依赖于燃料计量数据的准确性,不推荐采用。时间比法的量化结果虽然优于质量比法,但不适合用于量化较长时间段内的二氧化碳排放量。负荷法由于考虑了负荷的影响,其量化结果更为可靠。建议企业通过监测手段,采用负荷法量化燃烧排放源的二氧化碳排放量。为了尽可能减小由客观因素带来的排放量的不确定性,建议选择不同时间段、不同工况多次监测量化燃烧排放源某年度的二氧化碳排放量。 The most common method for quantifying carbon dioxide emissions at present is the IPCC emis- sion factor method.However,whether or not IPCC emission factors are suitable for China's emission sources remains open to question.Based on parameters measured on site,including temperature,pressure,carbon dioxide concentration ,carbon monoxide concentration ,flue gas flow rate and vapor volume percent in flues ,and using multiple methods,including the mass ratio method ,the time ratio method ,the load method and the IPCC emis- sion factor method ,researchers quantified the carbon dioxide emissions of an enterprise during different time periods.The results show that if a domestic enterprise adopts the carbon dioxide emission quantifying methods used widely in the world,the volume of carbon dioxide emissions is on the high side.In order to obtain more accurate information on carbon dioxide emissions from combustion emission sources,field monitoring is needed.The accuracy of the quantifying results of the mass ratio method and the IPCC emission factor method highly relies on the accuracy of fuel measurement data.These methods are therefore not recommended. Although the quantifying results of the time ratio method are better than those of the mass ratio method ,it is not suitable for use in quantifying carbon dioxide emissions in long time periods.As the effect of load is considered,the quantifying results of the load method are more reliable.For these reasons,domestic enterprises are advised to use the load method to quantify carbon dioxide emissions from combustion emission sources with the help of field monitoring means.In order to minimize the uncertainties of emission volumes caused by objective factors ,the authors of the article suggest quantifying the carbon dioxide emissions of a combustion emission source within a year more than once in different time periods and under different operating condi- tions.
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2013年第3期96-101,共6页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 二氧化碳排放 量化方法 排放因子法 负荷法 现场监测 燃烧排放源 carbon dioxide emission quantifying method emission factor method load method field monitoring combustion emission source
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