目的 :了解喉返神经在喉内的分支及分布 ,为施行选择性喉返神经吻合术提供解剖学依据。方法 :对5 0例正常人新鲜喉标本进行系统的显微神经解剖研究。结果 :95 %喉返神经在距同侧环甲关节下方 1.0~ 2 .5 cm处形成喉返神经喉外分叉点 ,根据分支情况可将其分为三型。喉内肌除环甲肌外 ,均由喉返神经前支支配 ,其中88%的环杓后肌为喉返神经前支发出单支支配 ;12 %为双支支配。结论 :在甲状软骨板后下部处开窗 ,可显露同侧喉返神经前支及其喉内第一个分支——环杓后肌支 (外展肌支 ) ,然后才见其内收肌支及甲杓肌支 ,该解剖特点为施行选择性神经吻合术 ,克服喉内肌紊乱收缩现象 ,提供了依据。
Objective:In order to supply the anatomic data for the selective reinnervation operation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve,the nervous distribution of the recurrent laryngeal nerve was investigated.Method:50 total fresh human larynx were systematically dissected by the method of microdissection.Result:In most cases, the recurrent laryngeal nerve diverges at the level of 1.0 ~ 2.5 cm under the cricothyroid articulation for forming the extralaryngeal division. There are three types of extralaryngeal division. Except the cricothyroid muscle, all the laryngeal intrinsic muscles are innervated by the anterior branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. In 88% of the cases, the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is innervated by two nervous pedicle, the others are innervated by a single nervous pedicle.Conclusion:At the level of the posteroinferior part of the thyroid cartilage, by opening a small window, we can easily find the abducent branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, following this branch, we can see the adducent branch and the thyroarytenoid branch. The anatomic specifity of the nervous distribution can supply us the data for the operation of selective nervous reinnervation to overcome the possibility of syncinesis of the laryngeal muscle.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology
云南省科委应用基础研究基金!资助项目 (No.94C0 5 0 Q)
Recurrent laryngeal nerve Neuroanatomy Nervous reinnervation