在公司批量生产HDI板最小线宽/间距为75 m/75 m的能力的基础上制作了线宽/间距为50 m/50 m的精细线路,试验用LDI曝光机曝光后再用正交试验法的L9(34)正交表安排了显影速度、蚀刻速度、显影压力、蚀刻压力四因素试验,选取线宽和蚀刻因子作为指标。通过对两个指标的综合分析,试验得到最佳工艺参数为:显影速度为4.0 m/min,显影上压力为0.18 MPa,下压力为0.15 MPa,蚀刻速度为4.5 m/min,蚀刻上压力为0.28 MPa,下压力为0.25 MPa。
The minimum line width of HDI in company batch production is 75μm/75μm. Based on the capacity, the fine line with the width of 50μm/50μm was made. In the study Lg(3^4)orthogonal arrangement was used to take the orthogonal experiment and four factors included, etching speed, developing speed, etching pressure and developing pressure. Meanwhile, the line width and etching factor were chosen as experimental indexes. After comprehensive consideration of the two experimental indexes, the optimum technique parameters were obtained in the study, the rate of developing is 4.0m/min, the above and below pressure of the developing is 1.8MPa and 1.5MPa, respectively. The rate of etching is 4.5m/min, the above and below pressure of etching is 2.8MPa and 2.5MPa, respectively.
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