苏里格气田发育河流相致密砂岩、低孔特低渗的物性特点迫切需要新型储层改造技术的应用,以增加压裂裂缝网络的密度及表面积,达到初期高产和长期稳产的目的。探讨了段内多缝体积压裂技术的关键因素,即每条裂缝的规模控制和裂缝间距的控制以及每次投送暂堵剂的数量。然后通过微破裂向量扫描四维裂缝影像的监测手段对压裂裂缝规模进行了监测。同时对比段内多缝压裂井和常规压裂井投产30 d内单位套压降下的产气量,体现出段内多缝体积压裂技术的明显优势。
Sulige gas field develops fluvial-facies sandstone, characteristics of low porosity and low permeability decides the urgent need for advanced reservoir reconstruction technology, increase the density and surface area of the hydraulic fracture network, and then obtain a higher initial production rate and maintain a steady production for a longer period. Key factors of multi-fracture volume fracturing technology are discussed, namely, every control of fracture size and fracture spacing and each delivery amount of temporary plugging agent. Then through the micro- fracture four-dimensional vector scanning, fracture scale is monitored, while comparing gas production of every unit set of pressure drop between segment multi-fracture volume fracturing and conventional fracturing well within 30 days, technology advantages of segment multi-fracture volume fracturing show up.
Science Technology and Engineering