本文以Kress'G.&van Leeuwen'T的视觉语法理论为基础,对2012奥斯卡最佳影片《艺术家》海报进行多模态话语分析,通过解读图像的再现意义、互动意义与构图意义在该语篇中如何进行构建与体现,了解图像作为社会符号如何与语言共同作用构成意义,以期提高多模态语篇的识读能力。
Based mainly on visual grammar by KresgG. &van LeeuwenT, the present article attempts to adopt a multimodal analysis to a film poster -- “The Artist”, 2012 Oscar winner. From three perspectives of the post- er, namely representation, interaction and composition, we can find how images and words work together to cre- ate a synergy effect, and enhance readers' understanding of academic discourse analysis.
Journal of Chuzhou University