介绍了JJG 945—2010《微量氧分析仪》检定结果不确定度的评定过程。对该规程所涉及的工作原理、测量标准、测量过程等方面的内容进行了描述。对规程评定依据、评定步骤中测量误差数学模型的建立、不确定度的来源、计量标准不确定度的合成等内容进行了阐述,给出了微量氧分析仪检定结果不确定度的验证结果。用于指导该领域从业人员进行不确定度评价时参考和借鉴。
The procedure of the uncertainty evaluation for the verification regulation of JJG 945--2010 M/cro Oxygen Ana- lyzers has been introducod in this paper. The working principle, standard of measurement and test procedure described in the verification regulation has also been introduced. The paper has proposed the evaluation procedure according to the foun- dation of the mathematical model of error for test, the source of the uncertainty, the combination of the standard uncertainty for metrology. This paper has also showed the uncertainty evaluation for the verification regulation of micro oxygen analyzer. The results could help and instruct the relative field engineer to evaluate uncertainty in verification regulation process.
Low Temperature and Specialty Gases