探讨有限稀释定量PCR用于临床检测血清HBV -DNA ,及其对干扰素抗病毒治疗的指导意义。利用有限稀释定量PCR技术分别检测 38例HBsAg、HBeAg双阳性患者α - 2b干扰素治疗前后血清HBV -DNA含量 ,观察检测结果对治疗的指导意义。 38例患者干扰素治疗 12周HBV -DNA阴转 7例 ( 18 4% ) ;治疗 2 4周阴转 11例( 2 8 9% )。其中病毒滴度 >2 5 0pg/ml者阴转 11 1% ( 1/9) ;病毒滴度 2 5fg/2 5 0pg/ml者阴转 2 5 0 % ( 4/16 ) ;病毒滴度<2 5fgml者阴转 46 2 % ( 6 /13) ,三组比较P <0 0 1。有限稀释定量PCR检测HBV -DNA对慢性乙型肝炎患者干扰素治疗具有一定的指导意义 ,以病毒滴度≤ 2 5 0pg/ml,干扰素治疗 2 4周疗效较佳。
To observe the clinical application of limited dilution PCR to quantitative determination of serum HBV-DNA,and its directive effect on interferon antivirus in patients with chronic hepatitis B HBV-DNA concentrations were quantitatively determined before and after interferon treatment in 38 patients with HBsAg(+)and HBeAg(+)by the limited dilution PCR Among 38 patients with interferon treatment 12 and 24 weeds,HBV-DNA was negative in 7 cases(18 4%)and 11 cases(28 9%)respectively There was only one case(11 5%)negative in the group of virus titer>250pg/ml(9cases),but 4 and 6 cases(25 0% and 46 2%)negative in the groups of virus titer 25fg~250pg/ml and <25fg/ml(16 and 13 cases)(P<0 01) HBV-DNA concentration could be determined quantitatively by limited dilution PCR,and which showed some directive effect on interferon anti-virus in patients with chronic hepatitis B The patients whose virus titer≤250pg/ml and treatment 24 weeks with interferon would receive good effect
Journal of Clinical Hepatology