采用MPE和SBS两种改性剂,对比研究了基质沥青、MPE改性沥青与花岗岩碎石的黏附性;加抗剥落剂的基质沥青、加抗剥落剂的SBS改性沥青和MPE改性沥青与酸性花岗岩碎石混合料的路用性能。研究结果表明:(1)MPE改性沥青和花岗岩碎石的黏附等级为5级;(2)掺加MPE的沥青混合料,在60℃条件下的动稳定度超过6 000次/mm,在70℃条件下的动稳定度超过5 000次/mm,在80℃条件下的动稳定度超过2 000次/mm;(3)马歇尔稳定度比基质沥青混合料提高35%,比掺加5%SBS的改性沥青混合料提高23%;(4)浸水残留稳定度达到98%,比基质沥青混合料提高11%,比SBS改性沥青混合料提高5%;(5)冻融劈裂残留强度比达到97%,较基质沥青混合料提高8%。
Through adopting MPE and SBS modifiers, the paper has studied comparatively the adhe- sion of base asphalt with granite crushed stone and MPE modified asphalt with it; the road properties of acid granite gravel mixed separately with base asphalt, SBS modified asphalt both including anti-stripping agent and MPE modified asphalt. The results show in the following. Firstly, the adhesion rank of MPE modified asphalt mixed with granite gravel is five. Secondly, the dynamic stability of asphalt with MPE is more than 6 000 mm per stroke at 60~C, more than 5 000 mm per stroke at 70~C and more than 2 000 mm per stroke at 80~C. What is more, compared with Marshall stability of matrix asphalt mixtures,its increa- ses by 35% and by 23% compared with that of 5%SBS modified asphalt mixtures. Besides, bits immersion residual stability reaches 98 % which increases by 11~ compared with that of matrix asphalt mixtures and by 5% compared with that of SBS modified asphalt mixtures. Last, its TSR reaches 97% which increases by 8% compared with that of matrix asphalt mixtures.