臭氧层保护是当前人类面临的一个重大全球性环境问题。我国保护臭氧层工作取得一定的成就 ,但为了更好地履行国际淘汰义务 ,必须首先解决几个疑难问题 :克服国际技术转让的障碍 ;切实进行进出口管理 ;加强机构间的协调与合作 ;加强对企业的引导并关注中小企业利益。同时还要充分利用现行环境管理法律制度 ,使其在ODS淘汰实践中发挥作用。
The protection of ozone layer is an environmental task of international interests.To better implement the international treaty,we have to overcome the obstacles of the international technology transfer,strengthen the management of import and export of ozone depleting substances,improve the coordination and cooperation among institutes,reinforce the guidance to enterprises,pay more attention to the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises,and make a good use of environmental legal system to phase out ODS.
Yunnan Environmental Science