以传统增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)为比较对象,研究了对苯二酸二辛酯(DOTP)、乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯(ATBC)、己二酸二辛酯(DOA)、癸二酸二辛酯(DOS)4种环境友好型增塑剂对聚氯乙烯(PVC)体系的力学性能和耐油、耐溶剂性能的影响,并采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法和差示扫描量热法对试样分子结构进行了表征。结果表明:①ATBC/PVC体系的Tg最高(-22.1℃);DOS/PVC体系的Tg最低(-65.4℃),耐寒性最佳;②ATBC、DOA、DOS增塑PVC的力学性能整体上优于DOP增塑的PVC;③在异辛烷、正己烷和ASTM 1#标准油3种萃取剂中,5种增塑剂在正己烷中的最终抽出率最大;在同一萃取剂中,ATBC的最终抽出率最小;④针对不同使用领域,DOPT、ATBC、DOA、DOS可替代DOP增塑PVC。
Compared with traditional plasticizer, i.e. dioctyl phthalate (DOP), effccts of four kinds of environment-friendly plasticizer, i.e. dioctyl terephthalate (DOTP), acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC), dioctyl adipatc (DOA) and dioctyl sebacat'c (DOS), on mechanical propcrtics, oil rcsistancc and solvent resistance of plasticizcd PVC were studied. The molecular structurcs of samplcs werc charactcrizcd by fourier transform infrared spcctromctry and diffcrcntial scanning calorimctry. The results showed that:(1) thc T of ATBC/PVC was the highest ( -22.1 ℃), the Tg of DOS/PVC was the lowest( -65.4 ℃ ) and its cold resistance was the best; (2) the mechanical properties of PVC plasticized with ATBC, DOA and DOS were overall superior to PVC plasticized with DOP ; (3) among the three extractants , isooctane, hexane and ASTM 1 standard oil, the maximum final extraction rate of the above five plasticizers were all occurred in hexane, and in the same extractant, the final extraction rate of ATBC was the minimum; (4) DOPT, ATBC, DOA and DOS could substitute for DOP to plasticize PVC in different applications.
Polyvinyl Chloride