禁忌搜索(Tabu Search,TS)是一种新的智能优化算法.TS以其灵活的存储结构和相应的禁忌准则来避免迂回搜索,在组合优化和函数优化领域中得到了广泛应用。本文重点研究了禁忌搜索算法的参数选择和其收敛特性的关系,侧重研究了禁忌搜索算法的两个关键参数——禁忌表长度和邻域候选解集个数对算法优化性能的影响,最后比较了本文定义的函数在三种终止准则下的优化性能。
Tabu Search (TS) is a novel intelligence optimization algorithm. Because of its flexible memory structure and correspond ing Tabu criterion to prohibit from circuitous searching, TS is widely applied to combination optimization and function optimization. Based on the previous results and preliminary work of TS, this dissertation paid more attention on the relationship of parameters selection and the algorithm's convergence, especially on two important parameters Tabu length and the number of the candidates, it impacts the optimization performance of TS algorithm. Finally the optimization performance of three final criterions to the defined function are compared.
Techniques of Automation and Applications