Through the market investigation and analysis of the defects, it is believed that pitting defects is the main defect affecting grinding quality in JISCO. Pitting defects are divided into two kinds, one is the periodic defect caused for equip- ment reason, the other is the pitting defects occurred in grinding and polishing process. Through the SEM and the phase a- nalysis, the defects are not caused by intergranular corrosion and inclusion. Pitting defects after grinding and polishing is due to the influence of hot rolling oxide structure and pickling process resulting in increase of Rmax. After rolling, concave- convex points on surface of strip with high Rmax squeeze each other forming a facial smooth strip surface, but defects occur in the subsequent grinding process at the points where the salient point extrusions cover concave points resulting in stripping of convex point by grinding.
Gansu Metallurgy