基于GaAs衬底PHEMT工艺的新一代微波器件,具有截止频率高,增益大以及效率高的特点,该工艺更适合于微波频率的应用。采用WIN半导体公司的0.15μm PHEMT工艺设计了工作在29~31 GHz Ka波段单片集成功率放大器,电路采用RC并联网络实现稳定性能,三级放大结构满足功率增益在30 GHz处为27 dB,输出1 dB压缩点功率为30 dBm,输入驻波比小于1.5,功率附加效率为35%。电路采用6 V电源供电,芯片面积为2.30 mm×1.23 mm。最后设计通过仿真,得出在30 GHz的时候,P1dB输出功率达到30.4 dBm,PAE为35%,输入驻波比为1.26,功率增益为27 dB左右。在整个频段里面稳定系数远大于1,整个电路利用RC并联稳定网络实现了无条件稳定,达到了设计的要求。
A Ka-band monolithic integrated power amplifier working at 29 GHz^31 GHz was designed with WIN Semicon- ductor Corporation's 0.15 μm PI-IEMT technology. The RC parallel network is adopted in this paper to achieve the stability of the whole circuit. Three stage amplifier can meet the power gain of 27 dB at 30 GHz. The compression power output of 1 dB at 30 GHz is 30 dBm, input VSWR is less than 1.5, and power additional efficiency is 35%. The circuit runs at 6 V power sup- ply. The total size of the chip is 2.30 mm ×1.23 mm. Through the simulation, it is concluded that at 30 GHz, P1dB output power reaches 30.4 dBm, PAE is 35%, the input standing wave ratio is 1.26, and the power gain is about 27 db. The stability coeffi- cient inside the whole frequency band is far more than 1. The whole circuit realizes the unconditional stability by RC parallel sta- bilization network and meets the design requirements.
Modern Electronics Technique