可编程控制器(PLC)因其结构简单易懂、可靠性高和维修方便等优点,在电梯控制领域应用广泛。通过用可编程控制器(S7-200 PLC)控制四层电梯模型工作,详细叙述了四层电梯模型的PLC控制系统的设计方法。主要介绍了四层电梯的PLC控制系统的设计要求,列出了具体的输入输出点,并给出了系统梯形图设计。该PLC控制系统在对四层电梯模型的控制中取得了良好的效果,完全满足本系统提出的控制要求。
This paper by using a programmable controller (S7-200 PLC) control four of the model and recited four layers d the model of the plc control system design.This paper mainly introduces the third floor of the PLC control system design requirements lists specific input and output,and give a system.The PLC control system for the third floor of the model achieved good results,that fully satisfy the system of control.
Industrial Control Computer