YuanYe is a practical guide, but also a more philosophical treatise on garden making. This paper turns to the more philosophical parts of the text, and shows that yuan(garden) in the title can be understood in a wider sense. In these parts yuan can be read as place, and yuan ye becomes place making. Place making is garden making, but it applies also to more complicated efforts in shaping our environment, such as urban planning. Ye is tbrging all mental ideas and physical perceptions of the world into one new representation. The last chapter of YuanYe, Jiejing (scenery borrowing), is about understanding the physical world first, with all people's five senses and through all four seasons, before people start using this physical world in the efforts to forge a new place. By studying the last sentences of this last chapter of YuanYe in their context. this timeless and universal meaning is made clear.
Chinese Landscape Architecture
landscape architecture
Yuan Ye(The Crafts of Garden)