The Dongyi tribe of prehistoric times lived in Haidai region had a strong sun-worship and they combined the bird belief with the sun worship.Its main manifestation was images and ornaments carved in potteries and utensils with bionic signicance.The earliest form of the sun-worship of Haidai region was simple drawings of the sun during the period of Beixin cultural and the early period of Dawenkou cultural.From the middle phase of the Dawenkou cultural octagonal star pattern began to appear on the potteries of the Haidai ancestors.The late middle phase of the Dawenkou cultural they began to use a certain?Pottery Gui which mimic birds.Entering into the period of Longshan cultural the Haidai ancestors used a certain tripod which had restriform feet.From these analysis we can clearly find the evolution process of the sun-worship in Haidai region and tries to dig out the cultural anthropological significance of the sun-worship in this aren.
GuanZi Journal