Objective To analyze the influential factors to the white spot area which measured by combining digital im- aging with image-pro-plus. Methods The simulated photos captured in different lights, distances, angles, pixels, zoom states, and reference to the spacings between the label and white spot . Then each group like this in different conditions repeated for three times. And with the SPSS13.0 software package to analyse the datas that are concluded from the spot areas which through image-pro-plus software measuring function, Re- suits The differences among the groups at different angle conditions had the statistical significance (P = 0. 000). The differences between the two groups at twodifferent camera pixels had the statistical significance (P = 0. 000). The differences between the two groups at different zoom setting condition reference and the spots had the statistical significance ( P = 0. 000). The differences between the two groups at two kinds of l/ght conditions in certain extent of distance had the statistical significance ( P = 0. 027), but if apart from 20cm and 25cm, the differences aren' t significant (P = 0. 106). The differences among the groups at differ- ent distances are of statistical significance( P = 0. 002), but the two groups between 30cm and 50cm, 35cm and 105cm have to be excluded by the contrastion of SNK. Conclusion Firstly, the distance between refer- ence tags and lesions is no more than 2cm and placing reference tags in the plane of lesions is the best;Sec- ondly, the distance between lesions and camera should be controlled at the 60cm ~ 90cm ; Thirdly, the photo can be taken in both natural light and daylight condition, and shooting in the vertical orientation ;Fourthly, the camera should have a hizh resolution, and remains a pixel, and allows zoom.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology