目的探讨进入高原低氧环境6个月后男性精子浓度和血清抑制素B(INHB)水平的变化情况以及两者间的关系。方法选取2010年11月—2012年5月42例进入高原低氧环境(海拔3 200 m)6个月后健康男性(试验组)及30例生活在海拔1 500 m健康男性(对照组)作为研究对象。对两组受检者的精子浓度及血清INHB水平进行检测。精子浓度参照世界卫生组织男性精液质量正常标准;人血清INHB水平采用双抗体夹心法测定。结果进入高原低氧环境6个月后精子浓度符合世界卫生组织男性精子质量正常标准者19例,精子浓度降低者23例。两组受检者排精量比较,差异无统计学意义(t=4.35,P>0.05);而精子浓度及血清INHB水平比较,差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为2.34、5.51,P<0.05)。Pearson相关分析结果显示,对照组及试验组血清INHB水平与精子浓度均呈正相关(对照组:r=0.82,P<0.05;试验组:r=0.87,P<0.05)。结论进入高原低氧环境可导致男性精子浓度降低,其血清INHB水平亦降低。对男性血清INHB水平的检测有助于了解进入高原低氧环境后男性精子浓度的变化及睾丸生精功能的损伤程度,为下一步改善高原低氧环境对男性生育能力的影响提供可靠依据。
Objective To explore the changes of the level of serum inhibin B(INHB) and the concentration of sperm after moving into high altitude for six months and their relationship. Methods 42 healthy men who had moved into high altitude(3 200 m) for six months(experiment group) and 30 healthy men who lived in 1 500 m areas(control group) from November 2010 to May 2012 were involved into the study.The sperm concentration and serum INHB were detected in the two groups.The WHO sperm concentration criteria were referred to and ELISA method was used to detect the serum INHB. Results After moving into high altitude for six months,19 cases had sperm quality consistent with the WHO normal standard,while 23 cases had lower sperm quality.The quantity of sperm between the two groups showed no statistically significant difference(t=4.35,P0.05).The sperm concentration and serum INHB between the two groups both showed statistically significant differences(t=2.34,5.51,P0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that the serum INHB was positively correlated with sperm concentration in the experiment group and control group(control group:r=0.82,P0.05;experimental group:r=0.87,P0.05). Conclusion Moving into high altitude can cause the decrease of the sperm concentration as well as the decrease of serum INHB.The detection of serum INHB is conducive to the understanding of the damage on testicular spermatogenetic function,so that further evidence can be provided for the influence on men′s reproductive function by high altitude.
Chinese General Practice