在自制的小型试验装置中 ,通过高温厌氧消化处理炼油厂浮选渣 ,温度控制在 55℃下 ,经过连续培养驯化及 1 80d以上的运行考察 ,结果表明 ,混合污泥经驯化后其外观、嗅觉、pH、比阻及厌氧菌数皆发生较大的变化 ,新鲜浮选渣已由灰色、油味变为黑色、臭味 ,pH与比阻降低 ,厌氧菌数增多 ;通过连续运行中的厌氧菌数、出料的MLVSS、COD及过滤比阻的详细数据分析 ,得出污泥在适应冲击后 ,在污泥停留时间为 1 0d的条件下 ,厌氧过程能较好地进行 ;厌氧菌生长良好 ,能较快地适应进料的冲击 ;经高温厌氧消化后的浮选渣 ,厌氧菌数稳定在 1 .0× 1 0 8~ 9.0× 1 0 8,COD去除率达 3 2 % ;出料液中的COD主要为低沸点的有机物 ;污泥比阻大幅降低 ,过滤脱水性能明显提高 ,并已由不易脱水物质转变为易脱水物质。
The anaerobic digestion of high temperature was adopted to treat flotation residue of oil refining factory in homemade tester, and the operating temperature was controlled at 55 ℃. It has been showed by series cultivate and domestication for 180 days that fresh flotation residue has changed greatly in many aspects. Appearance has changed to black from gray, stink smell from oil smell, and pH, specific filter resistance have fallen, anaerobe numbers have increased. By means of investigating anaerobe numbers, COD, MLVSS and specific filter resistance, these results were gotten that anaerobic digestion could be conducted very well on the condition of 10 days retention period of sludge, the anaerobe could grows very well and could suit the change of material; the removal rate of COD is 32%, and the COD of discharge mainly contained organic material of lower boiling point. The filtering and dewatering property of sludge treated is improved distinctly.
Journal of Petrochemical Universities
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