目的了解舟曲泥石流灾害引起学生创伤后应激障碍症状的发生情况及应对方式。方法采用创伤后应激障碍症状自评量表,中学生应对方式量表对灾区第一高中的374名高一学生进行调查。结果 (1)PTSD症状群总阳性率为66.1%。(2)女性、少数民族、来自农村、地震中受伤、核心家庭学生PTSD症状总体阳性率分别高于男性、汉族、来自城镇、地震中未受伤、非核心家庭的学生。(3)被试采取积极应对方式多于消极应对方式。(4)消极应对方式与创伤后应激障碍呈高相关关系。结论创伤后应激障碍症状是泥石流重灾区中学生重要心理问题,不同特征的中学生创伤后应激障碍症状表现形式及严重程度不同,应采取有针对性的干预措施。
Objective To understand the school students situation, such as incidence of PTSD( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) symptoms and the incidence of coping style, which caused by Zhouqu debris flow. Methods:A convenience sample of 374 students of the First High School Zhouqu hit by debris, with post - traumatic stress disorder PTSD - SS( Post- traumatic stress disorder self- rating scale), the high school students Coping Scale, a self- administered survey. Results : ( 1 ) PTSD symptom clusters in screening the positive rate was 66. 1%. (2) Students of female, from minorities, rural areas and the core families, injured in the earthquake ,were overall positive rate of PTSD symptoms than male, and Han nationality, from the town and non - nuclear families, uninjured in the earthquake. (3) Trying to adopt positive coping styles were more negative coping styles, girls were more than boys to take" for support, venting feelings,fantasy, denial" coping. (4)Negative coping style and post- traumatic stress disorder showed a high corre- lation. Conclusions:PTSD symptoms are hardest hit by landslides important psychological problems to high school students,with different characteristics of post - traumatic stress disorder different symptoms and severity. Targeted interventions should be taken, to guide students to take an active coping style and, reduce the incidence of post - traumatic stress disorder.
Journal of Yan'an University:Medical Science Edition