本文对中国 4 0年代“新生代”诗歌的成因、嬗变、美学倾向、历史贡献及其局限进行了全面分析。作者认为 ,“新生代”诗歌冲破了外部环境的压迫和内部的限制 ,进行了大胆探索和创新 ,在“新诗现代化”进程中迈出了一大步。这既表现在与世界现代主义潮流的贯通上 ,又表现在与中国社会现实和诗歌传统的紧密结合上。可以说 ,“新生代”诗歌是中国新诗在艰难曲折中深入发展的标志 ,是中国现代主义诗歌总体上实现突破和走向成熟的标志。
A comprehensive analysis is made in this paper of the background, changes, aesthetic tendency, historical contribution and limitations of the “cainozoic”poetry in the 1940s. The author opines that the “cainozoic” poetry shook off the external oppression and broke through the restrictions of traditional literary creation, and made bold explorations and innovation, taking a big stride forward towards modernization of “new poetry”. It was integrated into the modern world trend and linked closely with social realities and poetic traditions in China. It could be said that the “cainozoic poetry” was a symbol of vigorous development of Chinese new poetry amidst difficulties and a symbol of general breakthrough and maturity of modern Chinese poetry. Its value and significance should not be underestimated. Academic Survey
Social Sciences in China