为了探索与枇杷果肉色泽深浅有关的分子标记及其特异片段,本研究以枇杷突变体(红沙枇杷一枝芽变结出白沙果实)为材料,对其野生型和突变型果实品质进行评价。利用ISSR、SSR和SRAP 3种分子标记及前人研究的OPH-01/1800bp标记分析该突变体野生型和突变型基因组。结果表明,突变型果实可溶性固形物和总糖较高,β-胡萝卜素极显著低于野生型。所检测的108对SSR标记和9×11对SRAP引物组合在野生型和突变型没有多态性,从95条ISSR标记中获得了2条(UBC854和UBC813)多态性条带,这2条差异片段和OPH-01/1800bp标记都是在野生型出现,在突变型缺失,大小分别为1369(TB1)、535(TB2)和1719 bp(TB3)。通过NCBI数据库tblastx比对,TB1为非特异扩增片段,TB2碱基序列与枇杷果实发育中编码依赖NAD的山梨醇脱氢酶蛋白基因、苹果或梨属编码1-氨基环丙烷-1羧酸(ACC)合成酶蛋白基因等有较高同源关系;TB3与编码梨F-box蛋白、S-核酸酶和S核糖核酸酶及苹果MdSFBB9S9-α、S9核糖核酸酶和MdSFBB9S9-β等基因同源性较高。
Flesh color was an important key factor for loquat phenotype and fruit quality. To explore the gene fragments controlling flesh color, a loquat mutation (yellowish orange plant emerged bud mutation of whitish yellow) was used as material to evaluate the fruit quality and polymorphie bands between wild type and mutant genome by ISSR, SSR and SRAP markers. In addition, the marker OPH-01/1800 hp linked with yellowish orange flesh color was also assayed in this study. Results showed that soluble solids and total sugar of mutant fruits were higher, and β-carotene was decreased extremely compared to that wide type. No polymorphism was found in 108 SSR pairs and in 9 x 11 primer combinations. Two polymorphic bands with 1369bp (assigned as TB1 ) and 535bp (TB2) were obtained from wide type, they were both absent in mutant whitish by ISSR markers UBC854 and UBC813, respectively. The marker of OPH-O1/1800bp in wide yellowish orange was 1719bp (TB3), which was absent in mutant type. A homology search against the NCBI database using a translated nudeotide query (tblastx) was performed, and TB1 might be the production of nonspocifie amplification, TB2 sequences were highly related with NAD-de- pendent sorbitol dehydrogenase in eriobotrya japonica, 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylate synthase in pyrus and malus domestica. TB3 had highly homologous to genes sequences with F-box proteins, S-RNase, and MdSFBBg-alpha and beta genes in malus and pyrus pyrifolia.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences