A simple and direct method has been developed for synthesis of nitriles based on one-pot reaction of aromatic aldehydes with three different kind of reagents: CeCl3.7H20/KI/H2O2, CeCl3.7H2O/KI/UHP and (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6/KI/H2O2 in aqueous ammonia.
A simple and direct method has been developed for synthesis of nitriles based on one-pot reaction of aromatic aldehydes with three different kind of reagents: CeCl3.7H20/KI/H2O2, CeCl3.7H2O/KI/UHP and (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6/KI/H2O2 in aqueous ammonia.
Bu-Ali Sina University Research Council(No.32-1716) for financial support of this work