
低剂量^(60)Co-γ辐射对棉铃虫蛾羽化、寿命、趋光行为和性信息素滴度的影响 被引量:6

Effects of low-dose ^(60)Co-γ radiation on the emergence, longevity, phototactic behavior and sex pheromone titer in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) adults
摘要 为阐明低剂量辐射对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)生长发育、成虫趋光行为和性信息素滴度的影响,本试验设置5个辐照剂量,记录棉铃虫蛾羽化率、畸形率及寿命;通过趋光行为学试验和单个腺体性信息素提取法,检测了辐照(50Gy)前后棉铃虫蛾趋光率和性信息素滴度的变化。结果表明:(1)在20Gy剂量辐照下,雌雄棉铃虫羽化率与对照相比分别降低了16.67%和20.00%,畸形率均升高了10.00%,10,30,40和50Gy辐照对棉铃虫蛾羽化率、畸形率、寿命均没有显著影响。(2)无论是光期还是暗期,辐照后的棉铃虫蛾趋光率和性信息素滴度均有所上升,其中趋光率提升幅度最大的是光期3日龄雌虫(28.33%±3.33%至91.67%±4.41%);性信息素滴度提升量最大的是暗期5日龄雌蛾(36.27±4.26ng至59.13±4.63ng)。50Gy辐照剂量会促进棉铃虫蛾的趋光行为和信息素的合成,且棉铃虫蛾趋光率在设置的5个辐照剂量下无显著性差异。(3)棉铃虫蛾趋光率和性信息素滴度随着羽化日龄的增加有一个先上升后下降的变化趋势,其中趋光率变化最大的是辐照组光期雌虫和辐照组暗期雄虫(二者均为91.67%±4.41%至3.33%±1.67%);性信息素滴度变化最大的是辐照组暗期雌虫(71.00±5.22ng至3.63±1.47ng)。(4)在大多数处理中,羽化率、畸形率、寿命及趋光率不存在雌雄差异。本研究为探讨辐照后棉铃虫趋光行为和体内生理生化的变化提供一定的理论基础依据,同时也为利用物理、化学通讯信息调控棉铃虫行为提供了新思路,对害虫综合防治具有一定的参考价值。 To illustrate the effects of low-dose 60Co-γ radiation on the development, phototactic behavior and sex pheromone titer in Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), we examined the emergence rate, the deformity rate and longevity of H. armigera adults under five doses of radiation, and determined the rate of phototaxis and sex pheromone titer of H. armigera by phototactic behavior trial and pheromone extraction method. The results indicated that (1) there were no effects of 60Co-γ radiation on adult emergence, deformity and longevity of the moth except for the irradiation of 20 Gy, under which the emergence rate was remarkably decreased by 16.67% (female) and 20.00% (male), and the deformity rate was increased by 10.00% (both female and male). (2) Both in photophase and scotophase, the rate of phototaxis and sex pheromone titer were increased. The biggest jump of the rate of phototaxis occurred in 3-day-old females in photophase (28.33%±3.33%-91.67%±4.41%), while that of sex pheromone titer occurred in 5-day-old females in scotophase (36.27±4.26 ng-59.13±4.63 ng), indicating that this dose irradiation (50 Gy) probably promoted the occurrence of phototactic behavior and the production of sex pheromone, while the radiation at five doses had no significant effects on phototaxis. (3) There was a declining trend following an increasing trend of the rate of phototaxis and sex pheromone titer as age increased. The biggest jump of the rate of phototaxis occurred in females in photophase and males in scotophase both after radiation (91.67%±4.41%-3.33%±1.67%), while that of sex pheromone titer occurred in females in scotophase after radiation (71.00±5.22 ng-3.63±1.47 ng). (4) There were no obvious differences in the emergence rate, the deformity rate, longevity and the rate of phototaxis between females and males in most treatments. This research may provide some theoretical basis for exploring the changes in phototaxis and physiological and biochemical characteristics of
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期1337-1344,共8页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家"973"计划项目子课题(2012CB114103)
关键词 棉铃虫 辐照 羽化 寿命 趋光行为 性信息素 Helicoverpa armigera radiation emergence longevity phototactic behavior sex pheromone
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