单个肺结节 ( SPN)的性质通常由胸部放射照片和 CT予以鉴别诊断 ,但绝大多数 SPN不能被准确地检出恶性病变。进一步对结节进行评价 ,则常规采用活组织检查 ,而活检又会带来高比例的并发症 ,甚至死亡。PET作为一种安全的、非侵入性的显像方法 ,在鉴别 SPN的性质时具有高敏感性、高特异性、高准确性 ,极大地减少了不必要的诊断性胸廓切开术 ,降低了相关的手术费用 。
The nature of solitary pulmonary nodules(SPN) are commonly identified by chest radiographs and computerized tomography(CT) which can't find out accurately the malignancy in general. Biopsies are often performed to evaluate the nodules further.However it can induce complication or death. As a safe and non invasive method, characterized by high sensitivity, high specificity and high accuracy in differentiations between benign and malignant SPN, PET can decrease greatly the number of unnecessary diagnostic thoracotomy and related operation cost. So it would be used widely in the future.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)