目的探讨在乳腺癌患者全程管理中实施人文关怀的意义及重要性。方法回顾性选择我院乳腺疾病诊疗中心近2年收治的298例乳腺癌患者,在其全程管理中通过建立乳腺癌患者康复俱乐部"汝康会",设计出版发行"汝康操",创作录制汝康之歌《风雨中的粉红丝带》,编写乳腺癌激励册《汝.爱》等措施,逐步形成独特的"汝康文化"人文关怀体系,为其提供全程全方位的支持。调查分析乳腺癌患者的心理状态、生活质量及满意度。结果 "汝康文化"人文关怀体系能够满足乳腺癌患者全程治疗中的心理、生理、社会、文化需求,明显缓解她们的心理负担,改善其生活质量,并提升患者满意度。结论以人为本的"汝康文化"体系对乳腺癌患者的生活质量改进以及医患关系改善具有重要意义,值得推广。
Objective To discuss the meaning and significance of humanistic care in the whole course of management of breast cancer patients Methods 298 cases of breast cancer patients admitted to our Center in the past 2 years were chosen. , Humanistic care was provided during the whole course of management: a "Breast Health Club" was established, "Breast Health Exercises" was designed and published; Pink Ribbon in the Storm, an encouraging song was created and a pamphlet Breast Love was made and the mental state, quality and satisfaction of life of the patients were investigated and analyzed. Results Such humanistic care system meet the mental, physical, social, and cultural needs of breast cancer patients in the whole course of treatment, significantly eased their psychological burden, improved their quality and satisfaction of life. Conclusion People- oriented, humanistic care system is significant on the improvement of quality of life in patients with breast cancer and the doctor-patient relationship and is worthy of extension.
Hospital Management Forum
humanistic care breast cancer full course management