Objectives is one of the key elements in Basic Norms of Enterprise Work Safety Standardization, Occu- pational Health and Safety Management Systems Requirements and other management system standards. There are a lot of issues about the management by objectives element which are existed in the implementation process of the Standards. Therefore, the content, theory, method and main issues of management by objectives(MBO) were in- troduced and more detail description about the elements of objectives such as 5.1,5.5.5,5.8.3,5. 13.1 in The Basic Norms of Enterprise Work Safety Standardization were given. Three aspects should be focused on the under- standing and implementing the elements of MBO for the enterprises as the following: Firstly, the sources and effects of security objectives should be certained; Secondly, a tree structure of the safety objectives system should be con- structed which include the results-oriented enterprise level objectives, the results or process-oriented element level objectives and the process-oriented process level objectives. A case of an enterprise which building a safety MBO system was shown also. Thirdly, a perfect safety MBO system should be built.
Journal of Safety Science and Technology
work safety standardization
management by objectives
objectives system