In May-September 2009, the carabid beetles in the four habitats including maize field, peanut field, orchard, and woodland in Miyun County of Beijing were collected by using pitfall traps, and the seasonal diversity of the carabid beetle population and its predatory guild in the dominant habitat maize field as well as the relationships of this seasonal diversity with the landscape structures in the 100, 250, and 500 m radius were analyzed by the stepwise linear re gression analysis. In the four types of habitats, the individual number and species richness of the carabid beetle population and its predatory guild were the maximum in August. The species rich ness of the carabid beetle population in maize field in May was positively correlated with the land- scape connectance index at the scale of 100 m of the sampling plots, whereas the individual num- ber of the carabid beetle population in August showed a negative correlation with the landscape connectance index at the scale of 500 m of the sampling plots. Both the individual number and the species richness of the predatory carabid beetle population in May were positively correlated with the landscape connectance index at the scale of i00 m of the sampling plots, but the species richness of predatory carabid beetle population in August was negatively correlated with the type number of semi-natural habitats at the scale of 100 m of the sampling plots. It was suggested that landscape connectivity and type number of seml-natural habitats had significant effects on the di- versity of carabid beetle ooDulation and its predatory auild in the key stages of their life cvcl,and thus, well-considered planning of semi-natural land composition and improved connectance of landscape would promote the maintenance of the diversity of carabid beetle and the exertion of carabid beetle' s pest control function.
Chinese Journal of Ecology
landscape structure
natural enemy
temporal pattern.