目的调查男性医务人员心血管疾病危险因素的发生率,并与北京市男性居民心血管疾病危险因素进行对比分析。方法入选某三级甲等医院35~60岁在职男职工,记录个人资料及血糖、血脂、血压等各项检查结果,同时进行问卷调查,内容包括年龄、每周运动情况、吸烟史、早发心血管疾病家族史、高血压病史、糖尿病病史等。本研究资料完整者共373例,平均年龄44岁,≥50岁者占24.4%(91例)。参照人群为北京男性居民,资料来自北京市卫生局2009年度北京卫生与人群健康状况报告。结果 (1)男性医务人员肥胖、血脂异常和缺乏运动、高血压患病率明显高于北京市男性居民平均水平,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);而医务人群的吸烟率接近北京市男性居民平均水平(45.2%和53.9%),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)男性医务人员中≥50岁者的高血压、空腹血糖升高/糖尿病患病率、吸烟率均明显高于<50岁者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)男性医务人员中≥50岁、吸烟和超重/肥胖者合并3个以上心血管危险因素的比例分别为77.0%、87.0%、76.0%,分别明显高于<50岁、不吸烟和体质量正常者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论男性医务人员的部分心血管疾病危险因素(肥胖、血脂紊乱和缺乏运动)合并率明显高于北京市平均水平,医务人员合并3个以上心血管疾病危险因素的比例在≥50岁、吸烟和超重/肥胖者明显增高,应进行干预。
Objective To analyze the prevalence of the cardiovascular risk factors in male medical staff and compare the results with those of male residents of Beijing.Methods The male medical staff aged 35 to 60 years from a tertiary hospital in Beijing were enrolled in this study.A questionnaire-based survey that included name,age,physical exercise,family history of premature coronary heart disease,history of hypertension,and history of diabetes mellitus was conducted.Finally,complete data were obtained from 373 subjects(mean age: 44 years;24.4% of them were older than 50 years).The reference group was Beijing male residents,and their data were obtained from Beijing Healthcare and Population Health Status Report(2009 Edition).Results The percentages of obesity,dyslipidemia,and lack of regular exercise of the male medical staff were significantly higher than those of Beijing male residents(P0.05).Notably,the rake of smoking was similar between these two group.There were significantly higher incidences of hypertension and high FG(fasting blood glucose)/diabetes mellitus in the subgroup older than 50 years than in the subgroup younger than 50 years among the male medical staff(P0.05).The proportions of 3 and over 3 cardiovascular risk factors in the subgroups of over 50 years,smoking,and overweight/obesity was 77.0%,87.0%,and 76.0%,respectively,which were significantly higher than those in the subgroup of younger than 50 years,non-smoking,and normal body weight(P0.05).Conclusion Male medical staff have relatively high risk factors of cardiovascular diseases.Special interventions should be provided to male medical staff older than 50 years with a history of smoking and overweight/obesity.
Chinese General Practice
Cardiovascular diseases
Risk factors
Medical staff