
董仲舒的思想命题及其当代价值辨析 被引量:3

Dong Zhongshu's Political Thoughts and its Contemporary Value
摘要 董仲舒的政治观,是强调"变革"的辩证发展观,而非强调"不变"的形而上学政治观。董仲舒的政治思想,是在"天人感应目的论"外衣掩盖下的儒家"德治""爱民"的王道政治传统。其天道观实质上是儒家的德治主义政治观。尤其可贵的是董仲舒提出了"有道伐无道,此天理也"的命题,为历代王朝更替式的政治变革提供了合法性依据,可成为董氏政治定律。其"阳尊阴卑"说,虽然从哲学而言有唯心主义、形而上学倾向,但从政治方面看,则是儒家德治主义的体现。其"王道三纲"说是从阴阳相辅相成的角度谈"君臣、父子、夫妇之义",与他的"德治"理论完全一致,而后世三纲说则更多地强调臣子妇对君父夫的无条件服从之义,具有更强烈的君主专制倾向,因此不能混为一谈。其"正义不谋利,明道不计功"的"义利观"强调道义高于功利,虽有"重义轻利"倾向,但并非禁欲主义,而其"官不与民争利"说则保护了弱势民众的利益。在这些辨析基础上,从政改、爱民、德治、伐无道、义利之辨等方面论述了董仲舒政治思想的当代价值与时代意义。 In his political concept, Dong Zhongshu emphasizes "change", a dialectical concept of development, rather than " steadiness", a metaphysical political outlook. Dong's political view was coated by the "teleology of the interaction between heaven and mankind", with the political traditional for an emperor to "rule with morality" and "care for the people". The nature of this heavenly ruled view was actually the political view of moralism from Confucianism. Furthermore, Dong had raised the topic of "the heavenly principle that whoever was righteous could rise and fight against the unrighteous", which served as a legitimate base for the political revolution in the form of transformation of power from one dynasty to another, and this also has become Dong's political principle. Though the other of his theory of"the Respected Yang (male) and Hum- bled Ying (female)" falls into the tendency of being mentalism and metaphysic from a philosophical perspective, it is a political reflection of moralism in Confucianism. Dong's other theory of "the three most important relations in Wang Dan" talks about "the morality between the ruler and his people, father and son, husband and wife" from the perspective of Ying and Yang working together, which perfectly echoes with his theory of "ruling with morality". This is again different from what's been emphasized by later generations that the unconditional obedience of the morality between the ruler and his people, father and son, husband and wife, which has a strong indication of absolute monarchy. Dong's viewpoint on the relationships between righteousness and self-interests says "being righteous and not for the purpose of seeking self-interests; not expecting rewards for revealing the righteousness", which emphasizes that righteousness is more important than rewards and self-interests. Although it has the tendency of "putting more emphasis on righteousness than self-interests", this is not asceti- cism; His viewpoint th
作者 吴光
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2012年第6期2-7,28,共7页 Journal of Hengshui University
关键词 董仲舒 常与变 天人感应 有道伐无道 王道三纲 义利观 Dong Zhongshu steadiness and change the interaction of heaven and mankind righteousness to fight againstunrighteousness three most important relations in Wang Dao the relationships between righteousness and self-interests
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  • 1班固.《汉书·董仲舒传·举贤良对策》.中华书局1962年版《汉书》第八册,页2504. 被引量:2
  • 2董仲舒《举贤良对策》文字,散见于该册第2498-2523页,恕不另注页码. 被引量:1
  • 3董仲舒《春秋繁露·尧舜不擅移汤武不专杀》,中州古籍出版社2010年1月版,81-82页. 被引量:1
  • 4《马王堆汉墓帛书·十六经.观篇》,文物出版社1980年版精装本. 被引量:1
  • 5《马王堆汉墓帛书.十六经·姓争篇》,文物出版社1980年版精装本. 被引量:1
  • 6拙著《黄老之学通论》(浙江人民出版社1985年6月版)(见第237-239页). 被引量:1
  • 7《黄老之学通论》第七章《黄老之学总评价》,页237. 被引量:1
  • 8董仲舒《春秋繁露·五行变救》,中州古籍出版社出版,189页. 被引量:1
  • 9董仲舒《春秋繁露·基义》,中州古籍出版社出版,161 页. 被引量:1
  • 10叶适《习学记言》卷二十三,《汉书·传》. 被引量:1












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