目的 :观察瘤内注射 MAA和 3 2 P胶体治疗不能手术肝癌的有效性和毒副作用。 方法 :B超引导下瘤内注射 MAA和 3 2 P胶体治疗 30例原发性肝癌 ( PHC) ,观察治疗前后病人的临床表现、组织病理学、彩色多普勒超声、病灶体积变化、血清 AFP水平以及肝肾功能、血常规和免疫指标。 结果 :治疗后 ,96.7% PHC临床症状减轻 ,血清 AFP水平明显下降 ;肿块缩小率≥ 50 %者占 75.6% ,平均肿块缩小率53.3% ,彩色多普勒显示 81 .9%的肿块血供减少或消失。 2 0例组织学检查发现治疗区内肿瘤组织出现完全或部分坏死、纤维化。 30例 PHC6个月、1年、2年、3年生存率分别为 1 0 0 %、90 %、76.7%、43.3% ,平均生存期 1 9.5月。局部无并发症 ,治疗前后 ECG、肝肾功能、血常规和免疫功能均无变化。结论 :超声引导下经皮肝穿瘤内注射 MAA和3 2 P胶体对不能手术的 PHC是一种简单、安全和有效的新方法 ,副作用低 ,适应证广。
Objective: To evaluate the clinical effects and side effects of ultrosound guided intrautumoral injection of MAA and colloidal[HT11.,1.] 32 P in the treatment of unresectable primary hepatic carcinoma(PHC).Methods: The ultrosound guided intratumoral injection therapy of MAA and colloidal [HT11.,1.] 32 P was performed on 30 PHC patients. Evaluation of the effects and side effects was made on the basis of clinical manifestations, histopathological changes, variations in color Dopple sonography, tumor size, serum AFP, hepatic and renal functions, blood routine and immune funtion before and after the treatment.Results: After treatment, clinical symptoms were alleviated in 96.7% of PHC patients, serum α fetoprotein(AFP) values decreased remarkably; significant shringkage of the tumore size was seen in all cases, with 53.3% averate shrinkage rate.Reduction of blood supply in tumor was observed in 81.9% PHC cases. Histopathologic examinations showed complete or partial necrosis and fibrosis.The 6 month, 1 year, 2 year and 3 year survival rates were 100%,90%,76.7% and 43.3%,with an average of 19.5 months. No local complications were seen. There were no obvions differences in ECG, hepatic and renal functions, blood routine and immunic function before and after treatment.Conclusion: Ultrasound guided percutaneous intratumoral injection of MAA and colloidal[HT11.,1.] 32 P is effective,simple and safe in the treatment of unresectable PHC with few side effects.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Shandong