
关于加快建立我国孤儿药政策的建议 被引量:5

Accelerate the Establishment of Orphan Drugs Policy
摘要 目的:了解我国罕见病及孤儿药现状,借鉴国际孤儿药管理制度的成功经验对建立我国孤儿药政策提出建议。方法:通过文献检索比较分析国外孤儿药管理制度,根据我国孤儿药存在的问题,提出政策制定方法。结果:通过我国罕见病及孤儿药现状及其国际相关政策法规的成功经验的概述,来引起社会更多的关注,提高专业人士对罕见病及孤儿药的重视,并为促使我国孤儿药政策的建立提供参考。结论:我国应加快建立孤儿药政策,积极实施优惠政策促进我国孤儿药的研发。 Objective: Understanding aboul the rare diseases and orphan drug situation in our county. The successful experience to draw on international orphan drug management system to make recommendations on the establishment of orphan drugs policy. Methods: Comparative analysis of foreign orphan drug management system through the literature search, According to China orphan drug problems in the proposed poliey-making method. Results: Overview of rare diseases and orphan drug status quo in China and its international policies and regulations, the successful experienee, has aroused more attention, professionals focus on rare diseases and orphan drugs. The paper provide a reference for the purpose of promuting the establishment of orphan drug policy. Conclusion: China shouhl accelerate the establishment of orphan drug policy, Active implementation of preferential policies to promote the research and development of orphan drugs in China.
作者 刘慧敏 孟锐
出处 《中国药物评价》 2012年第2期176-179,共4页 Chinese Journal of Drug Evaluation
关键词 罕见病 孤儿药 现状 孤儿药政策 Rare diseases Orphan drugs Situation Orphan drug policy
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