
不同播种量对果蔗产量和品质影响的研究 被引量:2

Report on the Effect of Different Seeding Rate to Yield and Quality of Garden Cane
摘要 研究结果表明:播种270000芽/hm2,对果蔗出苗率和分蘖率有极轻微负效应,但使出苗数和分蘖数显著增加,植株明显增高,茎径增大最明显,单株重显著增重,有效茎显著增多,甘蔗产量增产极显著,蔗茎更泡脆,商品性状和工艺性状变好,对抗逆性几无影响,其成本最低,单位成本增产最多,效益最好,故无论是全茎作种还是蔗尖作种,该播种量都可作为果蔗生产上首选的播种量;播种360000芽/hm2,对果蔗出苗率、分蘖率都有轻微负效应,但使出苗数和分蘖数增加极显著,株高明显增高,茎径增大第2,单株重显著增重,有效茎显著增多,甘蔗产量增产极显著,蔗茎更泡脆,商品性状和工艺性状变好,对抗逆性无不利影响,又其成本第2,单位成本增产第2,效益第2,故无论是蔗茎作种还是蔗尖作种,该播种量都可作为果蔗生产上第2选择的播种量;播种450000芽/hm2,对果蔗出苗率、分蘖率均有轻微负效应,但使出苗数增加1倍以上,分蘖数增加近1倍,株高明显增高,茎径增大第3,单株重显著增重,有效茎极显著增多,甘蔗产量增产极显著,蔗茎更泡脆,商品性状和工艺性状变好,对抗逆性无不利影响,又其成本最高,单位成本增产第3,效益第3,故该播种量只能在蔗尖作种时采用,蔗茎作种时则不宜采用。 Seeding rate of 270000 buds/hm2 would cause somewhat negative effect to emergence rate, but bring about outstanding increase in the number of seedling and tillering. There would be much increase in stalk height, stalk diameter, stalk weight and millable stalks. As a result, the yield would increase outstandingly with the best benefit and the least costs. It would present good commercial and technical traits and no negative effect to resistance of adversity and therefore it would be the best choice for seeding rate. Seeding rate of 360000 buds/hm2 would cause somewhat negative effect to both emergency rate and tillering rate, but it would bring about outstanding increase in the number of seedling and tillering. Obvious increase in stalk height would be obtained. Increase in stalk diameter ranked second. Stalk weight, millable stalk and cane yield increased considerably. It would present good commercial and technical traits and no negative effect to resistance of adversity. The cost, increase in cane yield per unit cost and benefit also ranked second and therefore it would be a secondary choice for seeding rate. Seeding rate of 450000 buds/hm2 would cause somewhat negative effect to both emergency rate and tillering rate, but the number of seedling and the number of tillering were almost doubled compared with the check. There would be obvious increase in stalk height, and the stalk diameter ranked third. Stalk weight and cane yield increased considerably. It would present good commercial and technical traits and no negative effect to resistance of adversity. Its cost was the highest, the increase in cane yield per unit cost and benefit ranked third, therefore this seeding rate would only be applied when using cane tops for seeds. It is not recommended when whole stalks were used for seeds.
出处 《甘蔗糖业》 2012年第5期13-25,共13页 Sugarcane and Canesugar
基金 四川省"十一五"科技攻关项目"突破性杂交玉米新组合选育"课题"优良甘蔗新品种选育"专题资助
关键词 播种量 农艺性状 商品性状 工艺性状. Seeding rate Agronomic characters Commercial characters Technological characters
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